Friday, September 5, 2008

No Kidding...

So you'll have to forgive me for the less than perfect quality of the pictures.. but these two were in our front yard on Tuesday evening.  A lot of people on our street have recently put in their yards and the moose were thoroughly enjoying the new trees and shrubs.  It's funny because our neighbor (whose trees were noshed) told us how he bought trees that moose didn't like to eat!!  I think Clayton is already planning his "moose cage" to go around our trees when we put some in next summer.  It's crazy to see these guys up close and in our yard!!  We were told that it is pretty rare to see a male and female together as well..  Ah, Alaska.  Moose in the yard, bears in the yard (we've been told but have not seen her for ourselves), and a governor cum VP candidate.  I bet you think it doesn't get any better than this?  Well you're wrong!!!  The best news is that Target is opening in about a month.  Sweet contentment :)  


It's a Mom Thing said...

With Target, life is complete! So happy for you!!!

Melissa said...

"Your favorite hiking trail is closed 'cause the salmon are in..."
"It's rare to see a female and male moose together..."

What HAPPENED to my Nordstrom shopping friend???? You have turned on me, Clayton must be SO proud. :)
We miss you guys.

Susan said...

YOu have been there with no Target this whole time??? How have you lasted?? I kid...I am glad that one is on its way to you...I get my fix in when I am in town with Zach so I don't have to do the 45 minute drive on the weekend. :) Miss you much...

kelvin said...

I saw a squirrel in my yard yesterday. I couldn't get close enough to tell if it was male or female.

Suzanne said...

Yay Target! Gotta love it!
I meant to ask you what you thought about Palin ... :)