Monday, February 2, 2009

That Stuff That's In Wine....

Well, first and foremost, no volcano eruption yet.. some of my friends here are getting fairly excited about it. I'm sticking with the original non-preparedness plan. It's working so far :)

Now for the good stuff... Clay-Clay and I picked Kara up from school today and she wanted to tell me all about what she learned in Health. I would like to interject that I'm not a huge fan, so far, of her "health class". She came home one week going on and on about healthy foods and what her Health Teacher said was healthy and what was fattening. I put up with it until about Thursday and then I had to tell my daughter that I was, in fact, a registered dietitian ("Repeat after me, Kara: 'My mom is a registered dietitian'"). That, believe it or not, I actually was aware of which foods were healthy or not; which foods were "fattening" or not. Shocking, I know. So, when she gets back on her "health class" bandwagon, I'm feeling a little defensive. She's going "Today we learned about cigarettes.. no, we learned about the bad stuff in wine". I said "Alcohol?" (hoping that they weren't talking about booze to kindergartners). "No", says Kara, "They talked about drugs".

What is the take-home on this little story?? I guess I need to stop calling my occaisional glass of wine "Mommy's medicine". UGH!


Anonymous said...

You need "Mommy's Medicine". Speaking of Mommy's Medicine...I think I need mine right now. You need to tell her that Jesus turned water into wine!

Filleman Family said...

The post made me laugh but Jenn's comment made me laugh out loud. You tell her that Parker tried to get himself drunk on rubbing alcohol today - come to think of it - maybe that is why he took such a bad fall :)

Melissa said...

That is SO funny, seriously yesterday I had a day with my boys and after I laid them down I was going to call you and see if you wanted to have a skype date (Callie/Ben style) with some Mommy medicine. :)
Then I remembered I can't drink and Troy took the laptop to work, so I succumbed to the Bachelor instead.

Jennifer said...

As if girls don't deal with enough eating disorder issues, are they seriously just calling foods fattening? I mean, there are a billion other words, like unhealthy, disease-ridden, bad, that do the job better and explain more than whether or not she'll be able to fit into a size 2 when she's a grownup. sigh.