Monday, November 10, 2008

Funny Things

My kids are always saying random things and I forget them too quickly. Forgive me if I start posting random things that they've said or done.. someday I'm going to have this blog made into book form to substitute for scrapbooking :)

We were driving in the car not too long ago and I hear Kara and Clay arguing about who's going to do something first.

Clay: NO KARA!! I'm going to go first!! (scream this in your head for a more realistic experience)

Kara: Well, Clay-Clay you can be first but then I will really be first because God tells us in His Word that the first will be last and the last will be first. So now I'm first and you're last because that's what Jesus says. (say this in a very snooty first-born-girl kind of way)

Clay: silence.

Kara: Right, mom?

Mom: silence

Clay: I'm going to go first, Kara.


Sher said...

You should be proud to have such an intellectual and theologically sound daughter! Ha! I love it!

Susan said...

That is precious...

Melissa said...

THIS is SOOO funny!! Kara is so sharp. I am glad to hear Kara has the same concern for his sibling spiritual training as Eli has for his. :) Sometimes when I hear Eli talking I wonder... "Does he sound like a Pharisee??"
Clay Clay's response classic.