Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm on my way... home sweet home (sing with me!)

Well, it actually happened.  We closed on our house this afternoon.  Never fear, it was not without its fair share of drama and even a surprise at closing.  Fortunately, it all got worked out.. the banks got their respective monies to the title company and we got keys (and a big fat mortgage!!!).   We'll enter the internet dead zone for a while until we get phone and internet service, hopefully sooner than later.  

If you're interested in our physical address, I can get that to you when we're back online.  For now, I still have my cell phone but Clayton doesn't have his (not that he ever answered it anyway!).

The movers are supposed to bring our stuff tomorrow so it's going to be a big, long day for everyone.  We went to Kara's school tonight and met her teacher, saw the classroom.  We get to have a one-on-one meeting w/Mrs F on Thursday where Kara will get a tour of her school and then she starts on the 26th!  UGH!  So much to do, so little time (I sound like Willie Wonka but feel like an Oompa Loompa!!)

Thanks to everyone who's been so encouraging during the last few weeks.  It's been a long haul. I did think of one thing I would miss not living in TLF: my walking route.  It was pretty.  C'est la vie :)


Susan said...

Whoo Hoo! So thrilled for you April...can't wait to hear all about it. Love you all lots!

Jenn said...

YAY! I am so excited for you!!!