Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

Here is Kara on her first day of kindergarten!  It was hard for me to believe she was already ready for school.  She had a good day... was a little teary when it was time to be left in the room but I think that was mostly due to the other crying (both parents and kids!!!) going on at the time.  I didn't expect to be emotional about school but I kind of was.  Anyway, she had a great day and had lots of stories to tell afterwards.  She was EXHAUSTED last night so even though school doesn't start until 9:00am, we're going to have to have a much earlier bedtime (darn).

I'm throwing in a pic of our new kitchen even though it's dirty.  


Susan said...

Kara!!!! I can't believe she is already in seems like just the other day you were out my house pregnant with her while the guys blew up my garbage disposal! She looks does your house from the one photo! Can't wait to see more when you have time. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Kara is all grown up - I cannot believe she is in school. I love the kitchen - it looks great! Love you guys!

Suzanne said...

Yay for school! Yay for Kara! How fun. What did Clay do without big sister hangin' around?
Like the kitchen - can't wait to see more pics. Gotta see if it's someplace I want to visit next summer! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord, they are finally in school! I wasn't emotional until I picked him up and he was crying! He didn't cry on drop off until today (day 3)! Who knew? Carley keeps asking, "Where is Bubba and why isn't he here to play with me?" Anyway, love the kitchen!

AprilJ said...

I cried when I left her.. so weird and unexpected!! She is getting better and not so panicky right before she goes in. As soon as she sees her teacher, she relaxes which is so great. Clayton has grandma here to entertain him but I think it will be doubly bad when she leaves and it's just the 2 of us.

Jenn said...

I LOVE kindergarten! And... love the kitchen!