Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of First Grade

So today is Kara's first day of first grade.  It's hard to believe she's starting her second year of school.  It seems like last week that she started kindergarten.  No tears for either one of us today.. Kara was anxious to get the day underway.  She knows a lot of the boys in her class from last year but not many girls.  We saw a little girl in line who was very tearful so I was encouraging Kara to be a good friend to her... I'm hopeful that this year will be smoother sailing on the playground front.  Kara is a loyal and good friend.. she also wants everyone to like her which sets her up as insta-target for the meanies.  Considering girls are mean throughout all stages of life, I guess it's good to thicken her skin early on.. maybe it will make junior high a little less painful :)

Clay-Clay starts preschool in a few weeks. He'll go 3 mornings a week for like 2 hours.  I don't know what I'll do with myself those hours (I can almost hear Clayton telling me "Go to the gym").  We're still on the fence about him starting kindergarten next year.. definitely leaning more towards keeping him home an extra year so he's not so young in K.   The point being, if preschool doesn't work out for either him or me, we can make alternate arrangements since he'll be doing something again next year.


Cynthia said...

Love the photos! Kara is so cute in her shirt and matching hair bow. What a big girl! Of course, having to wear a vest and long sleeves in August is a bit disconcerting but you guys live in the great white north after all :) Good luck Kara we love you! We know you'll do great!

Amy Filleman said...

Beautiful baby girl. You guys might not have had any tears, but this gives me a few. She is growing up so fast. Clay-Clay will have tons of fun in pre-school. 6 hours a weeks all alone?? Thats exciting! I wish I could see snow on the mountains here, it looks so refreshing and cold there!!

Susan said...

Yeah for Kara! She is so beautifull! You are right, being nice and caring sometimes does mean you get hurt more, but it also means she is a wonderful person. She will learn in time it isn't her...
I have no idea what I will do once both of mine are in school in 2 weeks, but it won't be the gym...boo Clayton. Zach is one of the youngest in class for sure and we will see how that works for him and I will keep you posted. There are a lot of 2nd timers too that I have met...I guess you never know.

Anonymous said...

First grade...I still remember meeting her for the first and her spraying me with breast milk...ah, the awesome memories. The pictures are great - she is beautiful! Clay was probably sitting on the couch, watching TV, and peacing her out as she left...still in his jammies! Love you all! We'll pray for a great year!