Saturday, August 8, 2009

College Roomate

Here are some shots of a day we spent w/my college roommate Tawnya, her girls and her parents.  We swam the day away at her mom and dad's new house.  All 4 of our kids got along famously and it was another memory for the "Tawnya Naylor Book of Memories" for me.  I am so thankful for Tawnya and our friendship over the last 18 (!!!) years.  Now get your butt to Alaska, already :)

Tooth drama.. Kara knocked her loose tooth and Tawnya tried to pull it..didn't go so well but they were both brave.  The tooth came out later that night at my mom's before bed.  AZ tooth fairies are FAR MORE GENEROUS than AK tooth fairies.
Feeding the horses with Big Ray.
Clay and Simone (his cage-fighting little friend).  
Kara and Sydney: stereotypical firstborn girls.  Not that Tawnya and I would know anything about that!


Tawnya Pfitzer said...

Awww... That was such a great day all the way around! I wish that so many of the people that I love to hang out with didn't live so far away! Love You! Tawnya

Susan said...

Looks like fun and sounds like you all had a great time...I remember meeting Tawnya in Enid...she was great! Hope Clayton makes it home on time with no snags. :)