Saturday, December 13, 2008

April + Post Office (@ Christmas) = Bad Attitude!!!

Yesterday I had to go to the post office to mail a package and to pick up a package (which is in itself a whole other post on WHY they won't leave my packages in the mail box things!!!!).. if you've never had the opportunity to visit the Eagle River PO in December, count yourself as lucky.  It's a ZOO!!!  Obviously, most of us in Alaska are mailing gifts to the lower the exact minute as one another, apparently.  I had about 30 minutes before picking Kara up at school and the line was L-O-N-G.  And the postal workers are sort of slow... and the people who dressed for -1 F weather are overheating in the 75F room so they're getting grouchy.. and Clay is whining...  you can see that this may turn out to be a perfect storm.  Actually, it ended up OK because I was able to use the kiosk to mail my package and they opened up a line to just pick up packages so we were in and out in about 15 minutes.  Whew :)

But, it got me thinking.. my friend Kamdon was telling me how her mom started every morning at their house with the vintage Sunday School classic  "This is the Day that the Lord Has Made".  She said that she tries to remember that when her own mommy days get long.. That sounded like a good idea to me so I have been singing the little song trying to focus on the good things instead of the "bad" or the downright irritating (and often singing through clenched teeth).   I started to think of all the things that had irritated me yesterday and looked for the good.. I came up with the following:

1.  Post Office Nightmare:  better to wait in line at USPS than to be waiting at a Dr. appt with a sick baby (or sick self!!).

2.  Lots of slipping and sliding while driving:  I never skidded into the intersection when stopping and I slid only in my lane.

3.  Nearly falling flat on my face NUMEROUS times walking through the parking lot:  NOT falling, only coming close.

4.  Whiney son:  Having a son who can speak and communicate his "needs" :)

My new little exercise has actually turned my frown upside down.   Anybody want to join  me in a rousing rendition of "This is the Day"??  All together now!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to remember that when Hugh is squawking at me. I like the "whiney son" one...he does communicate his needs to you. Such a good boy!

GeleeneG said...

One of my favorite songs too. And, in fact, my favorite verse. I have "Psalms 118:24" on a ring that I wear daily to remind myself to be grateful each day for all that I've been blessed with.

Suzanne said...

I am so going to start that ... I really could have used that song in my head this weekend. Must be the season, but Lily is driving me crazy!!!!!
Glad to hear we're in the same boat, albeit thousands of miles apart. :) Miss you.