Friday, July 25, 2008

Herrod, Gram Boyd, VBS and Alaska

We have sun!!!  It's been sunny and about 65F most of the day.  The weather folks say that this will be short-lived but everyone is just out and enjoying the break in the dreary days.  I wanted to pass on some funny things my kids have said... they aren't related in any way but if I don't write this stuff down, I forget and it's gone.

First, obviously, we're all excited (by all, I mean ALL OF ANCHORAGE) about this sunny weather.  The sun came out last night about 8:30pm when the kids were on their way to bed.  Clay-Clay, ever observant child that he is, says  "Kara, look!  I see Alaska!  It's back!!".

This is what he was looking at... these mountains are just out our windows and it has been DAYS since we've seen them.  The clouds have been so thick and so low that the entire view was gone.  It was really funny because even our kids associate Alaska already with mountains.

Onwards..  Today was the last day of VBS for our kids.  They went with some friends to a week-long gig at a church in Eagle River.  They had a blast (as did I, having a 3 hour break 5 days in a row!).  Today was a little program where they overviewed the things they learned for the parents and sang some songs.  It was very sweet.  Here is a picture of Kara singing and then, a group shot.  Those of you who know Clay-Clay will not be surprised to hear that he didn't participate in the group singing once he saw me in the audience :)

Last, I wanted to share something hilarious that Kara popped out with after Monday's VBS. Apparently, they were learning about the baby Jesus and how he was pursued by King Herod. We discussed how evil and wicked King Herod was, why he wanted to kill baby Jesus and all that stuff.  After we established that, no, King Herod was not in Iraq (!!... you must remember our Daddy has been over there to work against "bad guys" a few times), no he was not around during WWII, it was over 2000 years ago.  So Kara is quiet for a minute and she says this:  "So, was Herod the King when Gram Boyd was a little girl?".  I thought that was so funny.  My Gram doesn't look 2000 years old!  She looks great for her age (which shall remain ageless) but she is the oldest person Kara could call to mind.  Funny things those kids say :)  Sorry, Gram.

I leave you with the view from behind the VBS church... if you could see details, you'd see the inlet, Sleeping Lady mountain and some of Anchorage.   


Melissa said...

To funny. I MISS THOSE KIDS, send them to me, I will let them thaw out in our 110 temps.!! I can here Clay Clay sweet little voice in that quote. To sweet.

Susan said...

I am so glad the sun is out! I just fell in love wtih Clay Clay after that cute comment...such a thing Zach would say too! I hope you guys are having a super weekend...we love you all!

Sher said...

Ha ha! I love the things that come out of little ones' mouths! It's so honest and pure!