Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week In Review

Rather than bore you with a rambling narrative, I'll just post a few pictures taken over the last 10 days or so...

The last snowman of the season.. most of our snow is gone (finally!!!!).

Hiking Bald Mountain (or something like that) in Eagle River when Clayton was home for the weekend.  We got really warm and shucked the jackets about half way through.  We must be nearly Alaskan ;)

So Clay-Clay and I were coming home from dropping Kara at school and we saw a "moose on the loose" (you must shriek this loudly in a closed area to achieve the full effect) right across the street from our house.  Here is Clay posing with the moose.
The poor moose who didn't anticipate a shrieking 3 year old boy when she was just trying to have some breakfast...  now we wait for the bears to wake-up ;)

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