Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teachable Moment #4029b

Mommy:  Clay, close your eye.. you have something in there I want to get out.

Clay-Clay:  (closing his eye while I flick out the eye booger)  What was that?

Mommy:  An eye booger.

Clay-Clay:  Do you get those from eating your boogers?

Mommy:  (having only a split second to decide what to say.. goes with the obvious choice to try and curtail the nasty habit of.. well, you know)
Yes.  That's another reason you shouldn't eat your boogers.

Clay-Clay:  huh.


Anonymous said...

Jake and I were totally laughing on this one. He is so cute - unreal. We cannot wait to see you guys!

Sher said...

Smart answer, mom!

amy said...

Hilarious!! Isn't it great that as his mom he just accepts your answer as true? Someday he's going to tell a kid at school that eye boogers result from eating your boogers and be really confused when they say it ain't so.