Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner"

In addition to all the catch-up we did last week, we managed to go skiing at Hillberg a couple of times.  I was kind of wondering what an 8 week break in skiing would do for the kids.. I thought we'd be back to square one for sure but I was wrong!  Both Kara and Clay skied better this last week than they have all season.  Here are some pictures of our exploits :)

The view from the top.. Cook inlet and moutain views (sort of).
We were really proud of Kara for ditching her "edgie wedgie", this little thing that you clamp onto the front of kids' skis.. it keeps the skis in a snow-plow so that they're in more control.
Clay-Clay headed down.  He is a total creature of habit.  He went down the same way EVERY TIME.  Knowing him, he probably tried to ski in his old tracks.
Kara and Clayton headed up.  Kara has actually fallen off the chair lift (a short distance, but a good lesson).
Mommy and Clay.  I hate snow gear pictures.  I use my ski poles as a "seat belt" of sorts for Clay.  I can just see him pitching himself off the chair lift in an effort to point out how he's going to jump off one of the picnic table things on the hill.

So I'm a work in progress where skiing (and many other things!) is concerned but until this last week, I thought I was a better skier than my children, certainly better than Clay-Clay.   The kid is like a shot down this ski slope.  He wears his enormous helmet, leans back (poor form) and keeps his skis in permanent "pizza slice" formation and skis STRAIGHT DOWN.  I, on the other hand, am always trying to ski with the correct form as imparted to me by my ski instructor.  I always got a head start on the kids down the hill but, it never failed, about half way down I'd hear my son cackling "HA HA, Mommy!  I'm going to beat you"..  I look over (every time, mind you) and here comes Clay shooting past me singing "Winner, winner, chicken dinner".   Every time, people!!!  I even TRIED to "win" and couldn't make it happen.. even throwing out all my "instruction", I couldn't beat Clay down the hill.  Oh well, gives me something to shoot for next year :) 


Filleman Family said...

That makes me laugh out loud - Clay coming down the hill yelling "winner winner" - so funny! I can totally see Davis going down the hill in the same tracks.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Jake and I were totally cracking is so funny. Ah, love how he is so come the Olympics!

Steve and Donna Douglas said...

You know you are getting older April, and it's time to accept the aging process gracefully. It's important for those who are "more mature" to be careful. You know broken hips and all! Ps. Your AARP magazine should be arriving any day now. Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Melissa said...

So did he get his chicken dinner?? :) That is SUPER funny. I can't believe you guys are still skiing, how long will the snow stay for? We love you guys.
Oh and Kara looks beautiful, a very cute snow bunny. :)

AprilJ said...

Mr Douglas.. did you send me your old AARP magazines??! Winner, winner, chicken dinner back at you. :)

M: this ski place is open two more weeks. The big one in Girdwood closes around May 1. It's ridiculous, I know. I'm ready for Spring already. And, no, Clay didn't get his chicken dinner.. he got Taco Bell which was a close second in his book :)