Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!! (9 days in)

SO, I had good intentions of blogging often through Christmas but it didn't work out that way... We had a great Christmas here in AK! The weather was lovely, no new snow (both good and bad) but we got out skiing and snowshoeing and tubing while the Grandparents and Karen were here. The first ski trip to Alyeska on the 23rd was the most interesting.. I thought we had skied Griswold-style before but I was wrong. This trip took the cake. To start, it was raining at the ski mountain. Yes, folks, raining. And in case you were under the impression that ski jackets, gloves and pants are waterproof, you were wrong. I definitely thought they were. However, everytime we went inside, we were able to wring puddles of water out of our hats, gloves and pants. Fortunately, it was in the 40s that day so we weren't freezing. However, it didn't make for the most ideal ski conditions. Add to that Clayton's snowboard binding shattering 1/4 way down the mountain (he had to hike back up to the tram in heavy snow.. yes, it was snowing up top, raining at the bottom) and Michael's snowmachine tour cancellation, you can see how tempers might have been running a little thin by the end of the day :) :) :) Nonetheless, it was a really fun day. Christmas Eve found us snowshoeing at home, getting Karen from the airport and enjoying a yummy dinner together before we did the Christmas Eve tradition of the Christmas Story complete with puppet theatre courtesy of Kara and Clay. Christmas morning was really nice, lots of gifts, yummy breakfast. About the time the afternoon rolled in, though, Kara was running a 104+ fever. (insert screeching brake noise) Had to cancel the Sutterfields coming over 3 nights in a row because Kara stayed sick through New Year's Eve (she had a major infection in her mouth while cutting 3 of her 6yr molars. I highly recommend avoiding this illness at all costs). Still, we had a fun New Year's playing the Wii with the Sutterfields and Karen. Good times. We had a great 2009 with far more blessings than we deserve: health, good friends, job(s), safe landings of fast gray airplanes, safe landings of 2-wheel drive Tahoes, and on and on. Blessings on you, dear reader(s) for 2010. I will try to be more blog-entertaining this year...

Making gingerbread houses with Ainsley and Chase...
Clay enjoying his Reeses' tree off the roof... good call! Those are delicious.
Opening gifts from eachother.. coincidentally, they gave each other the exact same gifts. A guaranteed way to avoid arguing!!!!!!
Before skiing in the rain at Alyeska on the 23rd...

Everyone's happy......

Clayton coming in after hiking up and down the mountain.. then walking 1 mile in the rain from the resort to the day lodge. He was soooo happy, in case you can't tell.

Christmas morning.
Bunkbeds for the American Girls made by Granddad Buzz, quilts by Amy.
Karen and April on Christmas morning.. FYI this picture was taken about 10:00AM, yes it was still that dark outside.

Christmas aftermath...

Hooking up the Wii to the downstairs TV.. another cause for happiness from Clayton. Not.


Anonymous said...

Good times. Glad it was a great time. My mom said she had a dad reminded how cold it was, but he said he had fun and got lots of rest...ha, ha. You're right, Clayton looks SO thrilled!

Melissa said...

Your so funny. Yes, I also heard what a great time it was. I love when Troy "works" with Mike, it is a highlight for sure, I am sure Clayton loved the help and commentary while installing the wii. We missed you on Christmas, and we wished you were here, but I am glad you had a great time. :)