Thursday, January 28, 2010

And So It Goes...

How weird is it that January is almost over?? I can hardly believe it myself. And I've only blogged three times so far this month...

First item of business for this blog, I'd like to wish Davis Filleman, my nephew, a happy 5th birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Davis! We sure love you, buddy, and we can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you when we see you next. Kara and Clay love you bunches and we miss seeing you (and the rest of the cousins) on your birthdays. XOXOXOXO!

Next item of business is to wish my friend Susan Miller a happy birthday as well. HBD, Susan! I met Susan while we were living in Enid. Together, Susan and I figured out what being married to a pilot in the USAF looked like.. we had some good times in Enid, read a lot of books together, shopped the state of OK, philosophized about military leadership, and ate some decent Mexican food on Friday nights together. Cheers to good friends and their birthdays. ((hugs))

I guess that about covers the birthday wishes. If I missed yours, HBD to you :) The kids and I are in full TDY mode around here.. what is that, you ask? Well, I have no idea what TDY actually stands for but it means that Daddy is gone for a while. He's at Red Flag in Las Vegas for 2 weeks then he goes to some training in Florida before he comes back to AK. How does that translate out for the Johnsons?? Well, here's a bullet list of ways life changes for us when it's 3 of us instead of 4.

* We eat a lot of cereal. For breakfast and dinner. Clay eats an unusual amount of peanut butter waffles as well (I think PB on an eggo makes an excellent meal substitute, any time of day for Clay). I basically stop cooking regular meals when we're in TDY mode.. Don't ask me why.. it's mostly laziness, I think. And some rebellion.

* My Mountain Of Clean Laundry grows to biblical proportions. I don't mind doing laundry, I just mind folding it. So what do I do? I do the laundry and throw it into a huge pile at the end of my bed. When Clayton is home, I get a little bit of guilt going on when the hill reaches about arm pit height. However, when Clayton is gone, it doesn't bother me a bit. As I type, I hear my dryer signaling me it's time to make another deposit to the clothes landfill at the end of my bed. Laziness and rebellion again.. uh oh, I'm seeing a theme.

* I find myself watching super stupid shows on TV.. For instance, "Locked Up Abroad" on NatGeo. I mean, how many different ways are there to get caught smuggling drugs overseas? Not many. But I think there are many different levels of prison squalor overseas so that's why the show doesn't get old with me.. I also watch a fair amount of HGTV and Food Network. Why? I'm clearly not cooking or improving my domicile.. but whatever.

* Something good is that the kids and I read a lot more books together and play more games when Clayton is gone.. We just bought Jinga and Clay and I are going to become Jinga masters before you know it. Normally our evenings are centered around Clayton coming home, having dinner and family time. When he's not home, dinner is cereal, family time needs to get interesting fast or we have issues.

* I end up reading through the "Links" section on facebook and I invariably get into facebook arguments with my liberal friends. I DON'T KNOW WHY I DO THAT!!! Today's mini-war was in regards to repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I couldn't keep my mouth shut, I had to point out that this friend has never served in the military so he doesn't know what he's talking about (the TRUTH!)... fortunately, another friend of mine who went to the AF Academy took over the conversation and made the first friend look like a fool before I made a fool of myself. I should say that I'm not always rescued.. and I'm always reminded of what my mom used to say to me as a kid "Fools names and fools faces always appear in public places". Yet another reason to take down that FB profile....

So, that's about it here. You can see that our ever exciting life in AK marches on whether or not Clayton's around to participate. If you'd like to come visit us while Clayton's on TDY, please be sure that I will actually cook and I'll close my bedroom door so you don't have to look at the Mountain Of Laundry.


Erin said...

My mom used to tell me that same thing about fools names, usually when I wanted to write it in the dirt on someone's car. Hmm. Also, when I was little and my dad was out of town on business, it was always pancakes for dinner. And it was awesome! So carry on, I say.

Anonymous said...

I don't clean or cook when Jake is out of town last week. Ah, freedom. We miss Jake like crazy, but no cooking and cleaning is a little slice of heaven...especially right now. We can't wait to see you all next week! Love you all!

GeleeneG said...

Dude, I eat cereal for dinner like 65% of the time. Cooking for myself is just too much work. And even if I cook one night I still have to do it again the next, and the next, and the next, infinity. Blah. Cheerios are so much easier.

Anonymous said...

Ryan just got home from being gone for a week for work...I watched some really lame TV shows in the evening...and also had a nice little mountain of clean clothes to put away. I'm with you - I don't mind washing and drying them, it's the putting them away that I could live without forever. I have seriously contemplated listing a want-ad on the Denver Craigslist, looking for a college student desperate for $$ that would come fold my clothes :-)

Susan said...

Thanks for the bday shout you and miss you a lot! I usually try at all costs to not comment on FB about anything of a political nature...for that reason I don't think one friend really knows if voted for McCain or Obama, but lots have their opinions. I like it that way. :)