Monday, November 9, 2009


We had our first "measurable" snow last night.. it was a winter wonderland (or horrorland, depending on the person/driver) this morning. I was patting myself on the back having gotten all the appropriate snow gear together for the kids. Sadly, however, I didn't bother to see if Clay-Clay's snowboots still fit. They don't. Not even close. Ooops. At least he had his snowsuit, jacket, gloves and hat. I'll find some boots before Wednesday (unless there's been a run on size 12 kids snowboots..which there probably has been).

Here are some pics of this morning.

Clay getting carried into snowboots.
Kara on her way into the school.. see how dark it still is at 9:00??
IDK.. I think we got like 6"?

My personal sidewalk-shoveler. Thankfully he was going to work later today and shoveled for me.


Susan said...

Good to see you have finally found a use for Clayton around the house... :) HA HA!

Steve and Donna Douglas said...

Fresh snow is one of the most beautiful things in creation.
Psalm 51:7 Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Filleman Family said...

It really is beautiful - not so fun to have to plow and move around I'm sure. It is supposed to be a record breaking 90 degrees here today . . uck! (Kara looks so big in that picture!)

Sher said...

Very pretty! We only see snow like once a year, and it usually only lasts half a day. I'll have to live vicariously through you!