Monday, October 19, 2009


I have been thinking a lot about thankfulness lately. Without a doubt, I (we, my family) have much to be thankful for. Really, as much as I gripe, I realize my life is a walk in the park compared to lots of families out there. This last weekend, a friend of mine in Italy (they're stationed at Aviano) had a friend die right after she gave birth to her baby boy. She was healthy. Her baby is healthy. But she still died. Her husband now has a 1 year old son and a newborn son to raise on his own. I can't get this family out of my mind!! My friend Laurie always talks about how giving birth is dangerous business even though American MDs are good at heading off most catastrophes (I said most, I realize someone out there has a horror story to share). But I never for one second imagined any other outcome after my kids were born other than the one I had: some pain and sleepless nights. I can't get it out of my head how this family's life changed in the blink of an eye. I get that we're not guaranteed tomorrow. I do get that. I just have been thinking about how fragile life is. I have had a husband go into combat 3 separate times. I know what it's like to watch the news and hold your breath when they talk about plane crashes; how it feels to feel lightheaded when the doorbell rings at odd times during the day/evening. By the grace of God, there haven't been any catastrophes for us and, for that, I am grateful. At any rate, I'm going to link you guys over to a blog by a dad (also AF) who recently lost his wife after a battle with breast cancer. His blog is amazing. Even more amazing is the post he posted about the family in Italy. I guess I'd ask you to join with the many praying for these military families. Maybe you'll feel more thankful with me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Avoiding Craft Show Terrorism and a trip to Arizona

I'd apologize for being a blogging slacker but why?? This is something you already know about me so it can't possibly be a surprise anymore :)

So Kamdon and I survived the crap show at Elmendorf... we took about 60 canvases, sold about 12 and have orders for another 20 or so more... We had hoped to sell more of the canvases that we painted but oh well. We did actually clear a profit so that is something to be proud of! However, we don't think we'll be doing anymore crap shows in the near future. For one thing, these crap show organizers charge anywhere from $120-500 to rent a 10x10 spot. That's a lot of crap to sell just to break even on the "show". For another, there are a lot of interesting folks on the craft-show-circuit. As you can see, our booth had some gorgeous black and white fabric.. however, before we had even hung our canvases, several other craftonistas were complaining that the fabric was going to make them dizzy if they stared at it all day.. being the mom of 2 small children that I am, I said "Well, then don't stare at it" before I could even bite my tongue. Other people would walk past and make strange comments about our booth (how else were we supposed to display 60 canvases in 10x10 space, I'd like to know!!).. so I got to thinking that we might be victims of craft show terrorism (because our stuff was clearly NOT crap and it was cooler than their moose poop-on-a-stick magnets). There wasn't any police tape for us to wrap around our booth so we just had to put chairs in the entry way and ask a prayer for protection. Fortunately, everything was in tact on Saturday morning (except for a few canvases on the floor due to the mean Christmas-wreath ladies next door whacking on our "wall" with their chairs..but I digress) and we had a nice day people watching at the craft show. (Sutterfield update for Pat!!!!!)

Meanwhile, as I was at the crap show, the Claytons were wrapping up a week long Arizona Extravaganza. I'll hijack a few pictures from my sisters-in-law to share with you. Clay-Clay had an excellent time hanging out with "all my cousins". He had a few sleepovers, a movie, park trips, and much much spoiling. Kara and I had a good (albeit quiet) week with the menfolk away. We were both ready for the Claytons to return home.

This is the most precious picture of Clay, TJ and Eli being spies at Melissa and Troy's. Check out Melissa's blog (to the right on my blog) for a fun post and more pictures.
Clay and Davis at the triple P. Good times. Always.
Sleepover fun at my brother and Michelle's (check out her blog, link on the right for a sweet post and pictures). Yes.. the boys were eating graham crackers w/frosting.. what a genius combination that is. Timeless.

Fun with the Johnsons (Troy and Melissa). Rootbeer floats. Super yum.
So that's about it on this end. We still have no snow! I was looking back at my blogs from last October and we had plenty of standing snow by this point last year. It has been a fabulous fall!! Clayton is wishing for snow already and we're buying ski gear in preparation for the white stuff. We welcome visitors at any time during the year.. so if you're a fan of winter sports, our guest room calendar is pretty empty!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

While the Cat's Away....

It's girl week at our house! Clayton took little Clay to AZ with him for the whole week!! I know, it's mind-boggling for me to think about having no Clay-Clay at home.. And Kara in school during the day. Lest you think I'll be twiddling my thumbs, Kamdon and I have the crap show on Saturday and there is NO shortage of work to be done. Nonetheless, Kara and I have had a good girls' weekend already. I had a girls' get-together with other squadron wives yesterday (poor me, bellini, lunch and movie/shopping.. it was torture) and Kara hung out with a babysitter. We made brownies on Saturday night and watched a movie. Sunday found us at church, doing a little shopping and seeing "Cloudy, With a Chance of Meatballs" which was hilarious! (quite unlike the last kids' movie I saw: "G-Force"..horrible). She had pancakes for dinner and has been doing "art" a lot of the day. Suffice it to say, it is VERY quiet around here without the little guy (and the big guy, I guess). I think Kara is looking forward to school tomorrow!!

I haven't talked to either Clayton for any length of time since they left although Clayton called mat at 9:45pm AZ time and Clay was still up playing the Wii at Grandma's.... uh, really?? I won't get the whole story of this trip until I hear from any of my sisters-in-law or my sister.... maybe I don't even want to know!! At any rate, Clay was VERY much looking forward to his solo vacay to AZ. I know for sure Clayton isn't taking pictures so I'll have to relay on my sisters-in-law for photo documentation (hint, hint). :)