So today is the 2 week mark for this stupid deployment (you might notice that my language becomes more like a first grader as I get more tired during deployments). Honestly, it doesn't seem possible that Clayton left only 2 weeks ago! (again, probably getting tired of hearing that on this blog..but if you knew the ground we've covered around here!!!!) Only 5 weeks left. Yes, I know that "it's not so bad".. and "at least he's not in Iraq". Just let me whine for a minute.
See, I feel better already.
We have a busy week ahead of us, here at the Johnson Zoo. We are going to have 2 visitors at once! One is a friend from Texas who is actually moving to Bethel, AK. She'll be visiting "the big city" for a few days before she goes NW to Bethel. If you want to google Bethel, you'll see why Anchorage would be considered a metropolitan city. Seriously.
The other visitor is my friend Karen from Denver (yes, this is where the Botox fun comes into play). We're going to do some serious Alaska-type living while she's here.. hiking, biking, looking semi-homeless, not shaving our legs. No. Really :) I think Karen will love it up here. At least I hope she loves it enough so that she feels compelled to make return (touch-up) visits every 4-6 months :)
About 4 hours after Karen leaves us, the kids and I will board our now standard red-eye flight to Phoenix! We are all really excited to see the family (and meet new baby Evie) and hang out in an oven. It's been like 70's here (which is BOILING for Anchorage..their all-time recorded high temp is only like 83) and my kids are complaining that they're hot. I am seriously considering turning on the oven and making them stand in front of it for 60 seconds to prepare them for AZ at its finest. Myself, I'm looking forward to good sales on summer sweaters, a spa day, dinner at a winebar, seeing my friend Jackie (who lives in Anchorage.. we can't seem to hook up in town but we'll see each other in AZ), seeing my other friends who I don't see nearly enough.... and on and on. There won't be enough time....
I'll leave you with a "before Karen's visit" recent photo of myself.. and what I hope she can achieve in a few tiny pokes of a needle and some deadly poison..
Me, after 1 short year with the Raptor as "the other woman"....
Me after Botox... I CAN HOPE! Besides, we both have blonde hair and brown eyes....